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Giving birth to triplets left me with life changing back issues & a life of pain. Then yoga saved me

Meet @savkakristina sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚


"I have three kids, triplets. The pregnancy ended with complications & I ended spending almost 8 months at the hospital under the doctors care. I was not allowed to walk much to avoid overloading my back. I gained 65kg (143 lbs) and my weight after the birth was 135kg (298 lbs)


It took me years, a long journey to lose the weight, but I was never able to cure my terrible and debilitating back pain. I could barely move without pain. It was constant. My quality of life suffered. It was stressful, depressing. I suffered


Then I discovered yoga. Two years ago I started practicing and within 3 months I found it started making a real difference to my back and quality of life. Within a year I started to make the weakest part of my body - my spine - the strongest. I am still doing it. Working on it daily


Slowly, step by step, listening to my body, being mindful, I am going forward.

Please check out the video (2nd pic above) not long after I did my first drop back (backbend/wheel) just a couple of months ago. It was a massive triumph


I cried tears of joy after filming! I will never forget it


Thanks to yoga I find I am now relaxed, calm, and try to stretch my spine as much as possible. I can now breath into poses like wheel. I feel gentle stretching out my body and its pleasant. Im working on it; Im working with yoga saving my life


Kristina 💚"


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