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Meet @simplyamandajune sharing her story story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š

"I am a survivor of ritualistic, physical, emotional, & narcissistic abuse. This lead to complex PTSD, multiple personalities, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation"

"I started yoga a little over a year ago & life changing is an understatement. I was drawn to handstands but quickly I realized I didn't have the strength for them & started at the basics. So, I started yoga. I had little idea the impact it would have


I started therapy around age four & been in & out my entire life including rehab centers & hospitals. The last three years I have been working with two therapist and a doctor for medication. I had been making progress but at a slow rate. Day by day was going by & I was losing more of myself, a victim of my past. I couldn't function, leave the house, work. I was consumed by hell fire with no escape. Then suddenly I found something that, momentarily, would make all the pain stop



A couple months into my practice read Fierce Medicine by Ana Forrest & I felt everything in me shift, knowing I was about to start a new chapter of this story


The chapter on trauma yoga told how we hold everything in our bodies. I started being able to recognize where I was holding trauma & emotions. I would find the pose that triggered memories & through yoga I could release the pain that was being held. Its as if the final piece needed for my treatment had finally shown up


I experienced a shift in my life where I wanted to start the journey of becoming my authentic self & finding peace & beauty in the world


My therapist had now found a way in to work with me to release pain. Every session now they have me do handstands to find my balance & awareness. I also connected with other healers who help drive my recovery. An energy worker particularly manifested into my life to help push me to new levels of discovering myself. None could have been possible without yoga


Yoga gave me my power back, my authenticity, my will to find a reason worth living, it made me start the process of stepping into me ๐Ÿ™"


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