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"Yoga became my rock when I suffered from anxiety and panic"

Meet @jennyclise_ sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"I originally had the singular intention of strengthening my body through yoga. After years of dancing, it was hard to break that mindset


I was first introduced to yoga at age 17! I feel very fortunate to have begun my practice at a young age, but it wasn’t till I got to learn about meditation in Hyderabad, India, on a student trip, that I had my first experience with what yoga was truly all about. I was blown away by how much more important training the mind was, than the body


Fast forward to college... yoga played a new role in my life. It became my safe haven for when life stressed me out, and it was my rock when I suffered from anxiety and panic. Anxiety has always been something I have struggled with, and yoga is something that empowers me to face all of the things that cause me fear, anxiety, stress, etc


Yoga helps me work through each of them, by first acknowledging them. It is what makes me more content with the world around me, and confident in my ability to tackle all that life throws at me!


I am lucky to have found yoga early in life. I wish I could tell so many people sooner in life, that mindful breathing can be just as powerful as any drug. I want more people to feel at home in their own bodies and minds, just as yoga has helped me to find home wherever I am 🙏






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