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"Yoga came into my life at my very worst time"

Meet Domanique @mizniquee sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"I discovered yoga last year, April 2017. Exploring Instagram, I came across this specific page; a women who was self taught and something in me felt so inspired that I began to practice just watching her and studying her photos



Soon I started to find all kinds of other yogis and challenged myself with poses, I stretched twice daily if not more and became very passionate about my practice. I started to notice the change in me not only physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually



I was always self conscious, shy, timid, & battled with anxiety. I stressed a lot, was very indecisive, & angry. The more I practiced the more centered and balanced I became. I grew to be more comfortable in my skin, love myself, express myself, the more I let go. The more open minded I became the more ego I let go of



The more I accepted Yoga being apart of my life the more it transformed me and my life into ways I never thought it would be 🙏



I’m now plant based (vegan) since September of last year, I’ve become so much more compassionate, my meditation has gotten deeper, I discovered my purpose & new things about me that I like more than I don’t; new things that interest me and that I want to learn, and more importantly... I’m not afraid of being me



Yoga has meant so much to me and, more than anything, yoga has become apart of my life; it is my life I can’t see without it and I'm passionate in wanting to help others and those that have gone through similar situations and all kinds



Yoga to me is a union between all people, creating a love and bond so strong we as a universe come together as one 🙏🏽♥️


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