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Meet @alisagalper sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Ever since I was first sexually assaulted I knew I had a disconnect from my body . I began to hate myself, blame myself, criticize myself for not being more careful. For being too trusting, too naïve"


"I wasn’t eating, I wasn’t going out, I was trapped in a prison of my own damning thoughts. I was deteriorating. I didn’t know who I was anymore. I lost myself


Then one day, I found Yoga. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say that Yoga found me. And somehow, I discovered a new way back to myself. A connection of mind, body, spirit. A hidden path that suddenly revealed itself and guided me towards my healing


Yoga Saved My Life


I’ve been on this healing journey for the last ten years—and the trajectory isn’t always linear. There’s been more failures and few triumphs. But, I still managed to discover a little more about myself and how I can still be nurturer I’m called to be, whilst staying true to my healing process


To say that the last year has been life changing would be an understatement. Whether good or bad, there are no regrets. I love who I am now—and I needed all those events to take place, in order to evolve and grow into the woman I am today


All I feel now is immense gratitude for all the people I’ve encountered, and the love that I’ve had the privilege of experiencing from those that have come into my life

You know who you are...thank you 🙏


Thank you for sharing your love and creating such everlasting memories with me. I acknowledge all of you with honor & appreciation. Your willingness to share your energy with me is my privilege


I vow to always hold a space of safety & love for any woman (or man) that has experienced trauma of any nature. I will continue to learn and uncover the tools for healing, so that we may all vibrate with more love & positivity


There’s no reason to hide anymore.

You are safe here.






📸: @djamo.unchained


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