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Meet @chriskperez sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Most of my life I have struggled:

Internal demons. Eating disorders. Depression. Anxiety. Drug addiction. Domestic violence. Co-dependency. 

Abandonment. Self worth. The list goes on & on

I became a derelict. Completely unattached from society and any normal functioning. I was roaming the streets, using drugs. Breaking the law. Most importantly killing myself



I had no idea what having faith meant nor a practice that would allow me to discover my true and authentic self


During the course of my recovery process I found yoga, but without truly understanding what it did or how it would change me. I dabbled here & there yet didn’t commit long enough to experience a shift


In 2010, I had a nervous break down due to physical/emotional injuries. I was reintroduced to the yoga practice & the rest was fate


I must admit I disliked how vulnerable I became & how awkward I felt


However I couldn't deny I was enamored with the practice. My senses were heightened. I was able to focus. A majestic transformation took a hold of me. A whole new relationship developed & there was a profound connection


I felt alive! yoga allowed me to learn the meaning of love, faith, honor, and humility. I began to discover who I am & what life means to me. The more I stayed and connected to my mat, the more the layers shed & I became whole. For the first time ever I was at peace


Today I have the honor & privilege of Teaching yoga in 12 step programs for those who suffer just like I do and In studios throughout my city. Who would have thunk it?!?! .


My gratitude is endless. Yoga I love you. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for saving my soul. Namaste 💚🙏 Christine"


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