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Meet Devjani @aantarik_yoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š

"Abuse comes in many different forms & as fate would have it, I was introduced to a few of them even before I turned 20"

"I had been sexually abused while very young by a trusted family friend, & had difficulties with close relationships. But I'd finally found my one! ..or so I thought. We had been together for years and things were turning serious enough to meet family


Turned out that I hadn't encountered emotional abuse yet. I was ridiculed and criticized by his family constantly due to my skin color and height. My value as a partner was questioned based on nothing but those variables. My partner abandoned me when I needed him most


I'd given up on happiness, and felt betrayed. I was sinking into deep depression. This is when yoga saved my life


At first, it was just about focus to clear my head. The focus on Yoga practice helped me gain a sense of calm . As time passed, practice invigorated me. I gained a sense of happiness which I'd sorely lacked


The newfound self esteem I gained by being able to perform advanced maneuvers enhanced my pride and self worth. It's not about being able to do poses. It's the satisfaction of setting a physical goal & having the mental fortitude to practice till you get there


I found accomplishment, gratefulness for being alive, new joy in movement. All due to yoga. I redefined myself


After two years of practice I finally decided that I would take this as my career. The more I learned, the more Yoga became invaluable to me. I started spreading the word among friends and family. I found I could help people get over years of discomfort be it physical or mental. I saw how necessary yoga is in the modern world


I look back now at my yoga journey & I see a woman who used yoga to improve her attitude & discontent with life. Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person in whole. You cannot always control what goes outside. But you can control what goes inside


Yoga has helped me become the best version of myself. I hope it does the same for you"

๐Ÿ’š Devjani Biswas


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