"Pre yogi-life I suffered from mental illnesses such as anorexia & depression. I began practicing & my whole world changed" . Meet @lucyvsteel spreading the light of her #yogasavedmylife story for us. These are her words 🙏 . "I began to love myself, my body & my life. I remember my first yoga class at my local gym, I was fifteen. I thought yoga was all about touching your toes, getting into different positions - in essence, a fancy word for a stretch. Oh how wrong I was! . However, at that point in my life I wanted a 'gym body.' Yoga got pushed aside and I trained to the point of exhaustion. I ended up in a bad place, physically and mentally. I look back at that time and just wish I could tell myself life isn't about having abs like Jessica Ennis or a bum like Kim K. It's not about taking the perfect picture for Instagram or trying to compete with the latest bikini pic that so-and-so just posted It's all about you, accepting who and what you are. Which is where yoga comes in to play. "It's not about touching your toes it's what you learn on the way down." . Yoga is for ANYONE. You don't have to be flexible. That's like saying I can't swim so I'm not taking swimming lessons. Where's the logic? Practicing yoga can increase your flexibility and strength and improve your balance and posture. You can be whatever shape or size to start Without yoga I wouldn't be where I am today. I've learnt a lot about myself & enlightened to the purpose of what matters & what doesn't in life. I have now just embarked on my yoga teaching journey too. If my words inspire one person, it's worthwhile. I'm thankful for the suffering, the darkness, it helped me appreciate the light. That same light I found in yoga I'd like to shine on others in the dark ❤
