"Without yoga I had no purpose or connection & went down a dark path. It helped bring me back & brought me to where I am today – a place of deep connection & happiness
I am @the.practical.spiritual.coach & this is my #yogasavedmylife story 💚
1000 days ago I decided I didn’t know if I wanted to live. I made some phone calls, told some truths & ultimately made a choice. I chose to live. But my life had become unmanageable & I had to change
I don’t remember the next 2 days that followed, I know that some of my friends took it in turns to stay with me, I know that I went to my first 12 step meeting, but the details aren’t there
Shortly after, I went to my first class & something shifted in me. I have practiced Kundalini pretty much everyday since & have recently completed my teacher training. Looking back I was being reborn
. My life would never be the same again. I am so incredibly grateful. I no longer feel ashamed of who I had become as I needed to go down that path to get to where I am now 💚
Lately it occurred to me that a lot of what happened to me was to do with life not being in line with my expectations. I come from a generation where we just expect our happy ending. I got the education I was told to get, I moved to London, got a good job, always had a boyfriend. But inside I was empty. I expected that if I was to follow the path I was led towards & conditioned to follow then I would feel complete. But I did not
I don’t ever recall anyone talking to me about connection, purpose. Expectations were high, effort was low & the result was emptiness
I have now lived my new life for 1000 days. In yogic terms that means I have mastered my new habits into my consciousness. For me it’s not just about sobriety, it’s about understanding the way I need to live to allow me to be connected to myself
I understand now that we all have our path to follow & if we find a way to connect to our souls, we will find ourselves in the light, not the dark. This is what we can find in yoga. I have hope that can we all find our way. I now devote my life to serving and helping people to find their way. I am happy and I deserve it 💚