"Seven and a half years ago my life was very different. I was living a life of darkness , full of anger, shame and addiction. Alcohol had become my master and my best friend (or so I thought)"

"I had gotten to the point in my life where I could no longer handle the darkness and the self-loathing
After a final night of humiliation and regret I decided to get help
I discovered AA and a group of amazingly supportive people who helped me realize there was a solution, a way out
Along with this support I found a yoga studio that really spoke to me. I began taking classes in a beautiful, peaceful setting with two truly wonderful women @chayaspencer and @racheldewan
These women brought me into the light with their gracious hearts and kind words. I connected so deeply with this studio that I decided to pursue my 200 hrs in RYT. This experience changed me inside and out. My confidence came back, I was free from alcohol addiction and I was living my life in color instead of black and white
Through a friend in the TT training I then discovered Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga's yoga system for breathing and moving meditation has been so healing for me this past 4 years, alongside Deb Williams @yoga_deb , the amazing, lovingly supportive teacher who guides me in my daily practice. The primary series is called Yoga Chikitsa with means yoga therapy
The deep shame and self-loathing that I had felt for many years was being replaced by self-care, self-compassion, and self-respect
To quote @taylorhuntyoga founder of the @trinifoundation : "In Ashtanga Yoga , the only variable is you"
I have truly found my life through the practice of yoga 🙏
