"Before I started Yoga I had been scared of life. Scared of not being enough, not being liked by others and not fitting into this world. It all started when I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 12 years old
I tried to hide the back brace I had to wear which meant nobody could even touch me without me being frightened. I hid myself away, constantly scanning my surroundings for potential 'danger'
My inner critic got louder & louder & I found myself worrying constantly about what others might think of me. I couldn't spend time by myself because it made me so anxious to feel the sadness & look at my thoughts
I distracted myself with partying hard, alcohol & constantly being out
At the age of 24 I had this inner calling to move to Fuerteventura, which I couldn't explain as I had never been there! I just followed my heart
And it was there, I started practicing yoga
Now I see the big picture: I started practicing yoga in a healing environment. I learned to love the silence & even more importantly: Yoga taught me to love myself! I felt all the sadness & hit rock-bottom in order to be able to grow into a new version of myself
I learned that the key is not to search on the outside, but within yourself. That your relationships get so much richer as soon as you start focusing on how to be there for others instead of sulking in your own misery. I found my way and my calling!
Right now I'm building up a community and support group around scoliosis & yoga (@backupyogi) because I want to help others, especially young girls with scoliosis on how to deal with the physical but also emotional aspects of it. Yoga has been an essential tool for helping me in all aspects of that
Yoga is a life-long journey & you can explore new things about yourself, the world and others every day! Namaste!"
