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Meet @sleepysantosha sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ๐Ÿ’š

"Lifelong medical conditions often leave me bed-bound"



"In 2010 I Googled "yoga" for the first time. I grew up in a strict Christian church where I'd been warned of the spiritual "dangers" of yoga, so I Googled in secret


I'd heard yoga involved deep breathing, & that was what I wanted more than anything else: to be able to take full, deep breaths. At the time I was living with a chest malformation called Pectus Excavatum, which I had been born with. This deformity caused my sternum to cave in, & as my body had grown and changed with puberty, it became so severe that my heart and lungs were squished. I couldn't breath properly. I was always tired, & eventually I had to have surgery


After my surgery in 2011, I used my yoga practice to help me regain strength. For a year, I felt pretty amazing. I could breathe! I was able to exercise, practice yoga & do all the things I loved. Unfortunately this period of good health was short-lived


Over the past several years, my health has fluctuated repeatedly. Iโ€™ve experienced chronic symptoms that have affected almost every organ system in my body. After seeing over ten different doctors & specialists, I was diagnosed with multiple medical conditions, which are expected to be lifelong. There have been times when Iโ€™ve been pretty functional. But there have also been times when Iโ€™ve been bed-bound


My yoga practice has taught me the importance of presence. Iโ€™ve learned to accept myself exactly as I am in the moment. Some days, this means that my yoga practice looks like savasana in bed while I breathe into the spaces of my body that hurt. And this is okay. This is enough


I donโ€™t need to be perfectly healthy in order to be worthy of my practice. I donโ€™t need to be able to force my body into a particular shape in order for my practice to have meaning. My practice is a safe space where I am free to be who I am & feel whatever I feel in the moment


I came to yoga hoping it would fix all of my problems. Hoping it would help me fix myself. But yoga has taught me that I donโ€™t need to be fixed. Iโ€™m worthy exactly as I am in this moment๐Ÿ™




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