"I'd been abusing drugs for years by 29 years of age. I was in an abusive relationship, my job was unfulfilling, & I was in complete denial
I started my mornings by getting high. I’d have a coffee, work till lunch, come back home, make lunch, get high again, go to my other job, finish around 11.30pm, get high on the way home and again when I got home. I’d pass out and wake up to my alarm the next day, just to start another hazy day in denial
I owe my recovery to two angels: My mother & my aunt. They introduced me to Ashtanga, a discipline they had both been practicing for some time. I first witnessed an Ashtanga Yoga class when my mom came to visit me in L.A. & forced me to take her to the closest shala (which was 90 minutes away). I couldn’t understand why we had to travel for more than an hour when there were three yoga studios within walking distance. Nevertheless, one morning we woke up at 5.30am and drove there, where I watched as my mom was adjusted into all sorts of crazy poses. At nearly 70 years old, my mom stood on her head, smiling brightly, looking at me. I was fascinated, but didn't try it myself
Then, my aunt came to L.A. almost a year after my mom did. By then my life was at a complete low. I was trying to “hide piles & piles of shit under the rug” (as she told me), but my suffering was evident. I needed a change
She took me back to Milan with her. I left everything behind. I started practicing Ashtanga regularly. I quit smoking, I replaced coffee with sun salutations, I followed a vegan diet, I fasted regularly, I went to sleep early and woke up at 5am daily. My Ashtanga practice became my daily journey within myself. As my body changed, my mind did too. I was calmer, more grounded
2 years on, here I am. Ashtanga has gifted me with a new life & a new love. Life is not easier, it never is, it is my attitude towards the challenges that has changed. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. Every person (the “good” & the “bad” ones) have been indispensable on my path. I’ll forever be grateful to my 2 angels, & the privilege of practicing everyday 🙏
