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Sep 29, 20182 min read
I can’t say I am free from anxiety disorder, but it doesn’t rule my life anymore, Yoga does
"My life has changed in so many positive ways . I can’t say I am free from anxiety disorder , but it doesn’t rule my life anymore , Yoga...

Sep 29, 20181 min read
Brealle Frasier @bendybree, a yoga teacher talking about how Yoga heals
"Being able to take care of yourself is essential to living the happiest and most productive life possible." . Meet Brealle Frasier...

Sep 29, 20181 min read
@jo_lives_on Joanne decided to share her #yogasavedmylife story
"Yoga has been a real 'coming home'. In the midst of the storms that have tried so many times this year to blow overboard, yoga has...

Sep 29, 20181 min read
This is yoga teacher @lukegraeber
"This practice sharpens my self awareness which allows me to turn this attention deeper into the layers of myself past the physical form...

Sep 29, 20182 min read
This is Dubai based Ashtanga teacher Lara Bogdanovic @laraandyoga
" I was unfulfilled – emotionally, spiritually, professionally. I was lacking self love, purpose. From that void came the need of...

Sep 29, 20181 min read
This is the amazing @futuresomething_yogi who agreed to share her #yogasavedmylife story
"I'd always wanted to start yoga but I would always let my anxiety and fear get the best of me in life." ❤ This is the amazing...

Sep 29, 20182 min read
NY teacher of yoga Erica Garcia
"After surviving 9/11 my PTSD will be with me for the rest of my life. The sensation of thinking you are going to die that day never...

Sep 29, 20181 min read
These are the words of Rebecca Pedersen @rebeccalynnyoga
I began my yoga journey several years ago. Full of anxiety and loneliness, I would go to bed pulling the sheets all the way over myself...

Sep 29, 20182 min read
Yoga has changed my life in countless ways....
"Yoga has changed my life in countless ways, it started my journey to find myself. Many come to Yoga for the physical and remain for the...

Sep 15, 20181 min read
This is @whitneydavisyoga sharing with us what yoga means to her.
Her words resonate with the ethos behind Fierce Calm. ❤ This is her story: "I almost lost my dad in September and every week brings a new...

Sep 15, 20181 min read
Tamsin Chubb @littlefrenchretreat agreed to tell her yoga transformation story
Tamsin Chubb @littlefrenchretreat agreed to tell her yoga transformation story because 'If sharing helps just one person struggling with...

Sep 15, 20182 min read
This is California Yoga teacher Shireen Kaviani @shireenkaviani
Protecting ourselves and our hearts from possible rejection and potential failure seems logical when we've been through drama in our...
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