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"Doctors didn't think I would survive, let alone walk"

"I was thrown into traffic & run over by a truck, riding my bike in Chicago, when a woman opened her car door into the bike lane in 2013. I broke 23 (of 24) ribs, both sides of my pelvis, both collarbones, my left hip, left shoulder, fractured a vertebra, punctured a lung, & cracked my skull"


Meet Dustin @rdvalenta sharing his #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚


. "Doctors didn't think I would survive, let alone walk

I know for a fact that if I had not been practicing asana regularly before the accident (I was on my way home from class when it happened), I would not be alive today. Doctors have credited my survival, in large part, to the flexibility & resilience in my spine


I know also, that had I not returned to regular practice as soon as possible afterwards, I would not have recovered anywhere close to the place I am


I've always been very active, and moving by body was a big part of my life. So when I had to start from zero, literally learn how to walk again, I gained a huge sense of gratitude for all of the amazing things my body does I'd taken for granted


About 10 days after the accident my nurse made me walk about 15 feet. I was held by her on one arm, my dad on the other. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I returned to bed, exhausted & cried for a long time. Something that had been so mindlessly effortless now took every ounce of strength, concentration, & determination


I am blessed with an amazing network of friends & family who wrapped me in support. Those 15 feet became laps around the hospital halls, & after about a month I went to my first post-accident yoga class


I was overwhelmed by the seeming impossibility of doing this practice which had come so naturally 2 months earlier; but also incredibly grateful for the simple fact of being there, being alive, & the opportunity to face the challenge, surrounded by people sharing the same experience .

I now make a living teaching—connecting with yoga communities all over the world! I'm blessed in so many ways, but I’m most grateful for the opportunity to be a student, first & always—I am only as effective a teacher as I am curious to learn, grow & change as a human 🙏" .


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