These 2 incredible ladies @zoelepagenyc (founder) & Tara Sanders represent our New York Charity Partner Exhale to Inhale - empowering survivors of sexual assault and abuse to reclaim their mind, body & soul through trauma informed yoga - & we're very proud to be supporting them this Sunday though the global #FIERCECALM108 🌍
. "Part of @fierce_calm’s mission is sharing stories of how yogasavedmylife. As a survivor of trauma, discovering the practices of yoga was truly life-saving. Years ago, it was one of the first practices that helped bring me into the present moment, out of the PTSD ping pong between past/depression & future/anxiety. As I connected with my breath in the present moment on my yoga mat, I cultivated inner & outer strength & resiliency that has been carried off of my yoga mat and into all I do. I am forever grateful for the practice, my teachers, and community, in addition to my students, who show up just as they are, and provide me with the opportunity to share the practices that have helped me heal & pay it forward. A huge part of my work as a teacher & educator has been with @exhale2inhale. As an advisory board member since its start, being an advocate for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and being part of our amazing team, means the world to me & fills me with great purpose
Please join me next Sunday 6/23 at 11am in NYC, as we partner with @fierce_calm & @artandautonomy salon (they’re amazing FYI) to host a fundraiser class for @exhale2inhale . I’ll be teaching a 75minute slow flow & mindfulness-based class. All levels are welcome & mats will be provided. Stick around after class for refreshments, swag bags, and an opportunity to enter a raffle for some great items, including one week of unlimited yoga at @shaktibarre. I hope to see you all there! DM us to sign-up 💜 Tara 🙏🏽🧘♀️
