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Meet @peaceofpholly sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ๐Ÿ’š

"When I was 18, I was raped. I lost sight of who I truly was; I was never genuinely present with myself or others. I was a rollercoaster of unhealthy habits and emotions"



"For years I struggled with feelings of worthlessness. My self-respect was low and I had deep-rooted insecurities which caused me to lose control of my emotions, thoughts, and my reality


I did not care to plan for my future and I did not want to deal with my past.I made myself believe I was living in the moment but I was drowning in the deep end of denial


It wasnโ€™t until I started my Yoga practice that the veils of past traumas and conditioning started lifting. I could feel myself and see myself with a clearer mind and an awakened heart; I was able to access the innate compassion from my intelligent heart


I remembered who I (we) truly am (are): light and love energy in human form.I relearned how to set boundaries and be honest, but most importantly, how to forgive and love myself. It wasnโ€™t easy and it is still a daily practice, but my mind, body and sprit feel more connected than ever before


Self-love is a daily challenge fellow Earthlings.It is a constant unfolding; a continuous process of self-realization and letting go


Yoga has helped me shed so many protective layers of vulnerability and fully trust in my power and the universe.I decided to become a yoga teacher because of this and am now sharing my practice with teenage girls that have been raped or have dealt with violence. I feel truly blessed to be able to share my story and continue my healing journey with the knowledge and magic of Yoga


Namaste and blessings ๐Ÿ™"




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