"7 years ago I got the worst phone call of my life, that my best friend, more of a sister to me, had died of an accidental overdose. That was the day that everything changed for me"
. "As an addict & self proclaimed party girl, I had spent my entire adult life numbing myself & running from my own feelings. I had spent almost 10 years using sex, drugs, & alcohol to avoid the pain I wasn’t ready or able to deal with yet. Waking up remembering absolutely nothing of the night before. Thank God. I mean that was the goal, I used to call it “time traveling” like it was a good thing
But on that night, when I got the call that she was gone... I changed without even knowing it. It was like my soul had made the decision for me before I was even aware of what was happening. It wasn’t a conscious choice, more like divine intervention
Yoga gave me the tools & the courage to be present & learn to love myself again, but I didn’t fall in love with it right away. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I didn’t like it very much at all in the beginning, but I always felt better afterwards & something kept making me go back for more
2 years ago I finally made the decision to go to India for my YTT & it was the best decision I’ve ever made
Yoga & meditation has taught me how to allow space for my darkness without being consumed or controlled by it. It’s taught me how to grieve, how to love, & how to heal. It’s no coincidence that yoga means union, it is the key to being whole. Not just by bringing together all of the parts of ourselves, but also by reminding us that we are all connected. We are all filled with Purusa. We are all God consciousness just here having a human experience with each other
I’m beyond grateful to say that because of everything I have experienced, & the tools that I have found, I am now able to be a source of healing for others. From Yoga to Reiki to Women’s circles & Spiritual mentoring, I get to help others heal, laugh, grow, connect, & love themselves. My pain has become my reward. #yogachangedmylife
Thank you so much for this opportunity to share my story 🙏🏼
