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"Once upon a time I couldn't pull a needle out of my arm to save my life...."

Meet Peter @txsoberyogi sharing his #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are his words 💚 . "I found yoga six years ago I was approximately 5 years sober and was feeling a little bored in my recovery journey . I thought yoga was just a stretching class (We've all heard that one before!) . After taking class I quickly fell in love with the internal journey. Yoga became more than just a physical movement it became a personal space for me to continue to explore my journey of healing and self care . I mean yes the cool shapes were fun and all that...but the "magic" of yoga is the self exploration that gets to happen. I felt like my recovery journey was thrown into overdrive and i felt renewed and refreshed in my path. Its like a whole new world opened up to me . Since then I have made several friends and grown my network of amazing people (yogis) who are inspired to better themselves. I believe in the power of connection and I believe in the power of attraction and yoga has been a platform for all sorts of creativity to manifest in my life . As a person in recovery who has experienced heart ache and mental torture (most of it brought upon myself) I am very grateful to live a life of abundance 🙏 . Once upon a time I couldn't pull a needle out of my arm to save my life, today I get to practice self care and make amends to my body by taking care of it and pushing it to new limits 💚 Peter Maldonado" .


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