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"Growing up, I watched my mother hate herself"

Meet Szilvia @szilfit sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"As a child, I believed it was normal for a woman to pass out on the track from running the 8th mile with no food intake ALL DAY



I slowly became her. I grew up to think that everyone who told me I was beautiful was a liar. As an adult, I started to truly believe that. I used to starve for days. I stepped on the scale multiple times a day and often cried and physically hurt myself if the numbers weren't what I wanted them to be



Yoga has helped me for years with my wild emotions and the urge to harm myself. The more practice I had, the more the episodes lessened. A while ago, I decided to be brave and that I wanted to end all episodes FOREVER. So I started to add to my practice, all the poses I used to consider too hard for myself, because I thought I wasn't good enough. I do them with ease now. To breathe, to focus on myself, to have an "I know I can because I am good enough" type of attitude has likely saved my life


I have not seen a scale in a long time and I feel prettier, happier & braver than ever before"


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