"In 2013 my life, & that of my family, changed drastically. My mother, who worked as a nurse for people at their homes, was stabbed with a knife by a patient & died immediately"
. "The grief was so intense. My heart physically ached. I felt so many things at once. Grief, sadness, depression, anxiety, deep pain. I felt unsafe & I didn’t understand what happened & what the purpose was of us all being alive if these bad things would happen to good people like my mom
This mental state was also reflected in lots of stress & pain in my body. That’s when I went to a yogaclass
I knew I needed to move my body, without it being in a group where it was necessary to talk or interact, because I already did that in therapy. I also wanted to do something my mother did in her life, which was yoga as well. So, in some sort of way I maybe tried to find a connection with her. Yoga was perfect 🙏
I was still in university and they offered affordable yoga classes. Knowing what I know now, those classes with my first teacher were very trauma informed. Very slow, very mindful. I became aware of my bodily sensations, my thoughts and my reactions to it. I still felt anxious, sad and had all these thoughts about life, but I just was more aware of it and became very gentle and compassionate towards myself & my healing
After that I tried different kinds of yoga & yin became my favorite practice. So slow & so meditative. I could go through things without overwhelm. Of course, I still feel the pain of my grief sometimes. But I’m much more aware of my thoughts and feelings and I’m so grateful for that
I remember very clearly in one of the savasanas of those classes that I got this sudden feeling that I needed to do a teacher training. And so I did. And even more. That changed my life as well. In June I’m starting with a yoga therapy training and it’s my mission to guide people in a safe way to feel this healing & transformative power of yoga 💚
