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Meet Vanisha @legally_yogi sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Yoga ultimately helped me battle with law school induced depression"

"It wasn’t until I began law school that I found my yoga practice. Lawyers and law students are among the highest groups at risk of alcoholism, drug abuse, anxiety and depression. This was mentioned to me at my law school orientation and I did not want to fall victim to this, so I looked to yoga. Along the way I discovered not only myself, but I found confidence, community, the light at the end of the tunnel, and ultimately overall health and wellness


My school offered free yoga classes three times per week, so I began to attend those. It was so nice to be able to rest my mind while also moving my body. I began to feel the “high” many yogis speak of and I wanted to continue the practice and learn as much as I could with my limited time


I loved that yoga afforded me 1 hour just for me—no worries about reading for class, assignments, applying for internships, who had what grades, etc. I just got to be with myself for that hour and clear my mind


Yoga ultimately helped me battle with law school induced depression. I had a breakdown during my second semester of law school and I ended up getting put on antidepressants and sleep aids


This was when I decided I would take action and not let law school define me. I continued going to yoga and then began developing a home practice for days there were no classes available


Eventually, I no longer needed the pills because I was no longer depressed. Yoga helped save me, and it has since helped me learn to find balance while also prioritizing my mental health. Yoga has proven to be exactly what I have been searching for all along and I am so grateful to have found it 💚"



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